About Me

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Johannesburg, Guateng, South Africa
I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Construction Economics and Management at University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. In the past, I have been a Lecturer in the School of Construction Management and Engineering at the University of Reading, UK (2010-12); and also a Post-Doctoral Academic Fellow (2009) and Graduate Teaching Assistant (2008). I completed my PhD at University of Reading in Dec 2008 on the relationship between risk and price in tendering. Prior to transferring to Reading in Jan 2008, I was an MPhil/PhD student at KNUST, Ghana (2004-07). I gained my undergraduate degree in Building Technology from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana in 1998-2002. During school days, my peers elected me to serve in several leadership positions including SRC President at KNUST. From 1994-96, I attended Suhum Sec. Tech. School after basic education at schools in Ghana and Nigeria. I did my National Service with the Fanteakwa District Assembly in 2002-03. After that, I worked at the Development Office of KNUST until I started my PhD in 2004. I am a co-organiser for the WABER Conference and an author of 30+ research publications.

Saturday 27 March 2010

WABER 2010 Update (26 March 2010)

Dear All,

A big thank you to several of you who have worked hard to submit your full papers for the WABER 2010 conference which will take place at the British Council in Accra, Ghana on 27-28 July 2010.

The refereeing process has started and our plan is to write to everyone in April on the outcome of the review process. The acceptance of a paper will be informed by the recommendation of our reviewers. As mentioned in earlier emails, our commitment is to publish only good quality papers in the conference proceedings. Therefore, we would not be able to publish papers that are not of sufficiently good quality, although we are strongly committed to helping all authors to improve on their research work and scientific writing skills.

This means that only the papers that are adjudged by referees to be of good quality will have the full paper included in the proceedings. Where the referees do not think that a paper is of sufficiently good quality, the author(s) will be notified and offered the opportunity to have the abstract of their paper included in the conference proceedings. Thus, if a full paper is not accepted for publication in the proceedings, it does not mean that the opportunity to take part in the conference is closed. In fact, we would strongly encourage the author(s) to take part in the conference and have the abstract of their paper included in the conference proceedings. The author(s) will have the chance to present the work and get some feedback and they will also benefit from everything else the conference has to offer, including knowledge, exposure, connections and collaboration opportunities.

As you might be already aware, we are blessed to have three high profile keynote speakers in the persons of Professor Will Hughes (University of Reading, UK), Professor George Ofori (National University of Singapore, Singapore) and Dr Roine Leiringer (University of Reading, UK). As part of the conference, there will also be a workshop on how to write a scientific article. This part of the conference will be facilitated by leading international academics and would be useful for participants who aspire to publish papers at the highest level.

A big thank you to all of you once more for your involvement in WABER. I look forward to emailing the paper review results to you in April.



Dr Samuel Laryea
Lecturer, School of Construction Management & Engineering
University of Reading, P.O. Box 216, Reading, UK. RG6 6AW
Office phone: +44(0)1183788205
UK mobile: +44(0)7949668955
Ghana mobile: +233(0)244618851
Ghana address: P.O. Box ML473, Accra
Email: s.laryea@reading.ac.uk

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